How Trademark search operates?

  • Trademark public search involves the word search to be categorised under wordmark device mark and phonetic. 
  • Then the system also involves refining the search by the selection of categories wordmark, phonetics, that you have in class and good or services description.
  • There are different classes of products that you can apply for from 1 to 35 the classes are for products and from 36 to 45 there are for services.
  • The portal of the Trademark registry provides for the application of Trademark registration as well as the trademark application status information.
  • The database includes incomplete applications, rejected applications as well as expired trademarks.
  •  Then the process is followed by the matching results or there might not be any similar trademark or trademark application.

At best legal services we provide one-stop solutions for all your trademark queries. Log on to for more info.